Helpful Links

These links will connect you with some of our partners in the local community as well as organizations who support and supply us with what we need to run the farm.

Biodynamic Farming

Biodynamic Association

Avena Botanicals

Resources and Education for Small Farms in Maine


Maine Farmland Trust

This Season’s Partner Producers and Restaurants


Hope General Store

Blue Barrens Farm

Our Favorite Seed Companies

Fedco Seeds

Johnny’s Selected Seeds

Territorial Seed Company

Turtle Tree Seed Initiative

Conservation and Environmental Activism

Protect Ancient Forests

The Land Peace Foundation

Maine Land Conservation Assistance Network

Food Security and Food Sovereignty

AIO Food & Energy Assistance

La Via Campesina

US Food Sovereignty Alliance

National Family Farm Coalition

Other “Friends of the Farm”

Amy Wilton Photography

Heiwa Tofu

Maine Media Workshops + College

Sweetland School